
vultr 的日本 IP 突然全球不能 ping 了,其他都正常
2021-05-13 21:23:15

1.全球 ping 不通, 网站挂了


3.什么情况, TK 回复


Thank you for your inquiry. We have received reports of similar behavior/performance from your specific geographical region. Our testing to date indicates this is an issue at the regional ISP level, which is 100% outside of our control. All Vultr infrastructure is performing optimally.

You'll need to snapshot your instance and redeploy it if you wish to obtain a new IPv4 address大带宽服务器, as we cannot manually assign IPv4 addresses. Please make sure that you set your instance's network adapter to DHCP mode before taking the snapshot, as static IP assignments will need to be corrected otherwise. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.

试了自己的站暂时正常, 45.32 开头的。



重启试试,前几天也突然这样,就只有 ssh 能上,查了好久,最后重启一次居然正常了

ping 了一下我的,没有问题

Tokyo Degraded Network Performance
2017-04-09 13:42:00
We are currently experiencing degraded network performance in our Tokyo location. Our network engineers are actively working with our upstream providers to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

下午 4 点多收到的邮件
Dear Customer,
Regarding the following subscriptions:
512 MB Server - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in Tokyo
Our monitoring system indicated an issue with the hardware node hosting the instances listed in this email. Our engineering team has investigated the issue and initiated a restart of the host node in question.
Please note: While this event rebooted the instances listed in this email, we expect no impact on data and/or configurations.
Thank you,
Vultr.com Support

我的今天也出问题了,丢包 50%以上……

Dear Customer,
We are notifying you about a new alert as it relates to your Vultr.com account.
Event Summary:
Tokyo Degraded Network Performance
To view additional details and updates regarding this alert, please visit our status page at:
https://www.vultr.com/status/Vultr.com Support Team --

东京的节点不能用了吗,SSH 好使,SS 老师连不上。怎么办?
