
Linux 下有没有类似于 AutoHotKey 这样的软件?
2021-07-02 17:37:17
AutoHotKey 是 window 平台的一个热键脚本,可以为设定的热键绑定命令,最近迁移到 ubuntu ,求问 LINUX 平台有没有类似软件?
有一个 autokey ,功能远远不如 autohotkey 。

来自 http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/165124/autohotkey-equivalent
There's a port of AutoHotKey to Linux called IronAHK and a similar tool called Autokey. I haven't used either, I don't know how well they work.
Other than such programs, you won't find exactly the same kind of automation tools. The basic user automation tool on unix systems is the shell. The shell is the glue that combines other tools: it can launch external programs and control how they exchange data. The shell itself doesn't include anything to manipulate GUI concepts like windows and the mouse pointer¹. What you do is call specialized tools in a shell script, in particular xdotool to manipulate windows, and inject keystrokes and mouse events.

Windows 是一个平台, Linux 界面有各种各样……估计没有跟 AutoHotkey 一个级别的工具。

linux 下直接 keyboard 设全局热键绑定就行了啊, 或者 window 里面设置窗口全局快捷键。
不需要 AHK



Wine 下面可以运行 AutoHotkey
原声还有 wmctrl , Devil's Pie

恩,其实我的需求也不复杂,就是能够绑定热键就行,比如按某个键打开常用文件夹,按某个键打开浏览器进入 google ,按某个键打开某个应用等。
